Navy Regulation Haircut: Everything You Need to Know About Military Grooming Standards


As with grooming policies for hair and facial hair, the Navy has its own set of rules when it comes to hairstyles. Navigation of hair is a vital component in fulfilling the Navy regulation lower court of the uniform standard. Read on to obtain full details of Navy regulation haircuts.

Services of a Navy Regulation Haircut

A navy regulation haircut means that one is smartly shaven or has been groomed according to the navy’s hair regulations. Also, it is important to point out that all presented requirements are absolutely the same for both sexes. The objective of implementing some rules about hair among members of the Navy minimize one aspect of professionalism when discharging their duties.

Specific aspects of Navy regulation haircuts include:

  • Short hair – less than 25mm or shorter than 2 inches on the crown of the head for men. 
  • Tapered neckline and sides
  • Avoid the copyright and popular trends
  • Natural hair color only
  • Men must be clean-shaven

There are, however, a few exceptions as to the length of hair for women and how they could style it and they are discussed below. Altogether, the putative unity of navy regulation cuts is subsequently defined by the principles of neatness, conservatism, and uniformity.

US Navy Regulation Haircut

navy regulation haircut

The U.S. Navy has regimented policies touching on men’s grooming and hair length. It also means that men cannot grow their hair long, the permissible length of hair is 2 inches at most. Here are the specifics:

Hair Length and Bulk

  • Hair must not be of bulk or longer than ½ an inch.
  • Hair should be neat trimmed, styled at the best taper, and professional.
  • HU0804: Hair cannot fall on or below the ears or eyebrows when headgear is removed
  • Nobody is allowed to perform block cuts and shave parts of the scalp  


  • Facial hair specifically, sideburns cannot grow below the mid-ear line.  
  • They also must be straight sideburns and have an equal width (must not be flared).
  • Sideburns should not join the mustaches 


  • A man, is expected for to have a clean-shaven neck.
  • The neckline has to stand out – this has to mean that it can be different shades from the hairline. 

Styling and Faddishness

  • Conservative hairstyles only
  • No fancy hairstyles like mohawks, ultra shorts like mullets, hair tracings, and other popular psychotic hairlines.
  • as is – no highlights, hair bleaching, etc.
  • Some grooming products are allowed but if used should appear to be natural.

No officer is allowed to grow a beard when in uniform. Man, you are allowed to wear mustaches but mustaches must not go beyond the edges of the mouth. Sideburns, moustaches, and beard goatees are prohibited.  

In general, navy regulation cuts for men persist in very short neat hair with more emphasis and a clean-shaven face.

Check Out: What Regulation Army Haircuts Were, What They Are Today.

Women’s Navy Regulation Haircuts  

Women can be more relaxed than men when it comes to their hairstyle choices if they are in Navy but they will still have to adhere to proper grooming standards appropriate to the military. The hair length of women should not exceed 2 inches beyond the neck collar.

Requirements for women’s hair include:

Hair Length and Bulk 

  • Hair bulk is meant for the growth of hair from the scalp as it is styled. 
  • Hair can stick out from the scalp up to 2 inches. 
  • Without a doubt, the length cannot go all the way up to the neck collar.


  • Hair cuts or other styles such as fading, tapering, dyes, ear or other fad hairstyles are prohibited
  • Ornaments such as bows, and pins cannot be worn 
  • Braid, if applied, should not be outrageous and messy.


  • Lime green, bright pink, blue, bright red, and other artificial colors in rusks are prohibited.
  • Color must look natural  


  • Styling products such as gel or mousse are allowed provided the hairstyle is well groomed  
  • Any excess products causing an over-uptight style are prohibited

However, to some extent, women do have choices like pone, hair braid, and the like which are not available to men. Nevertheless, the general looks and feels must adhere to military appearances. Unwashed hair or hair that is longer than shoulder length is not allowed and stylish haircuts.  

Hairstyle Exceptions

The Navy does advise on ethnic hairstyles that cannot naturally satisfy the length or the bulk when a hair is short. Special group exemptions are allowed for ethnic hair purposes if the styles are natural.

navy regulation haircut

Examples of authorized ethnic styles

  • Afros: Afro hairstyles may extend beyond two inches of bulkiness or length standards. But they cannot prevent the appropriate use of navy headgear.
  • Braids: It is not restricted by the usual required length as long as one is not decorative or has designs on it such as zigzags on micro braids and cornrows. Nothing that is attached to the end of the braid can be used in the uniform.
  • Locs: The hair cannot have bulk and length if it is dreadlocked but neat and if it is interwoven. They are required to be comfortable for wearing on and near the scalp and should be easily adjustable to headgear. Decorations are not allowed.  

Ethnic hair exceptions are meant to protect the regulation and uphold cultural differences. This means that safety, professionalism, and the proper wear of navy, gear regardless of hairstyle have not been done away with.

Barber Shop Haircuts 

Employees primarily shave their heads at barber shops available at the Navy base to avoid violating the regulations. These barber shops offer their services to the navy squarely to satisfy the grooming of the servicemen.

Typical navy barber shop haircuts include:

  • Crew cuts
  • Buzz cuts  
  • Flat tops
  • Tapered cuts  

These styles are clean, neat, and utilitarian, and conform well to regulation length, weight, and profit parameters. Clean necklines and regulated conservative styling by the naval also form the basis of barbershop cuts.

Base barber shops assist sailors to easily sustain regulation standards as a result of routinely shaping their hair beards. The convenience means that agents never allow professional grooming to deteriorate even when the person is posted on ships or submarines for months.

Non-Compliance Issues

Any sailor who fails to adhere to military hair policy will receive a correction or punishment. Heads of state will give directives to regain hair within the set norm.

Repeated failures to meet Navy grooming rules can result in the following:

  • Counseling statements
  • Written warnings 
  • Captain’s Mast (A informal hearing held by the captain of a ship other than as a part of a court-martial proceeding)
  • Formal court martial  

Management of the navy hair regulation is compulsory. People who decline correction risk their status and future in the journey of serving in the U.S. Navy.  


Default naval haircut is as important as any other regulation since it is the foundation on which every bit of the uniform is stacked. It is worth noting that grooming requirements set down here are professional, safe, and militarily orderly. Short hair is well trimmed, and conservative hair color mimics discipline, and therefore sailors can show unity through hard work.

He said that comprehending and adhering to the navy hair regulations safeguard enlisted personnel from scolding while letting them zero in on their efforts to their responsibilities. Their way of dressing or grooming particularly hair relates well with what Anthony Roberts said, “To be effective we must learn to accept the fact that battle involves/requires the subordination of personal preference.” Many times the sailors might be assigned to operations while others are in administrative operations; but despite this category, all are required to observe high levels of grooming standards.

The dress and groom standard along with that conspiracy military cut is well esteemed throughout the fleet. The logo represents main beliefs such as honor, courage, and commitment through the visible aspect of team cooperation. Navy regulation cuts enable today’s sailors to sustain several generations of tradition defending our waters.

For more info: Click Here.


Can navy personnel have a zero or no haircut with shaved heads?

Yes, but only if the scalp is shaved flat, no distinctive patterns are allowed. On the scalp, there should not be any carved letters or artwork.

Are flat twisting or dread-perming hairstyles allowed by navy hair policies?  

Well, flat twisting locs to the scalp or perming straight hair into dreads are not considered as the ones included in the authorized ethnic hairstyles exceptions list.

Can the navy women wear bangs that touch their eyebrows?

Yes, if bangs are trimmed correctly, and all of them are not longer than the eyebrows, it is also fine, but the hair must not interfere with the vision and headwear.

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