The Fade Army Haircut: An Emerging Military Style


The fade army haircut has been one of the most popular hairstyles among the military for so many years. This basic style entails short hair at the sides and back regions with the hair on the crown region gradually getting longer as it extends towards the crown. A neat, stylish cut that will suit any man who does not want any fuss and who needs a hairstyle suitable for a military appearance.

History of the Fade Army Haircut

The fade haircut has been the military cut at some point. Maintaining the hair length of military men to very short seemed logical due to helmet and gas mask-wearing, requirements. The fade style made the top hair slightly longer while at the back and sides, the hair was cut short for functionality. 

The military tapered with its neatly trimmed sides simply became the extension of a tradition over time. Graduates may be given fade cuts upon joining basic training as a tradition. They show adherence to the military look and orderliness in the armed forces.

Advantages of Selecting the Fade Army Haircut

fade army haircut

There are good reasons why the high-and-tight fade haircut remains the standard style in the U.S. Army and military forces around the world:

  • MeetsStrict Grooming Standards: The fade cut makes certain that soldiers’ hair is trimmed closely enough to allow for the wearing of military headgear and/or meet the requirement of the regulations. It appears that most branches keep hair at the top no longer than 2 inches long.
  • Low Maintenance: Super-short at the sides and back, this contemporary men’s cut gives poor layers of growth and low maintenance between the hair trims. It also looks neat even as it begins growing out.
  • Cool and Comfortable: Fade styles help soldiers surmount heat in some climates. The above longer top can help the scalp from direct sun exposure.
  • Masculine Appeal: Over time, the fade army cut has a rugged and capable looks which seem to attract a lot of people.

How to Create the Best Fade Army Haircut?

Getting this classic military high-and-tight haircut is not everyone’s cakewalk. Here are tips for getting it right:

  • Start with Clippers: At the back and sides, you should use electric clippers with removable combs that will shave the hair as close to the scalp as possible. Building up from the base and then gradually blending towards the lengthier locks. 
  • Define the Part: That is why it is imperative to create a distinct side part. With clippers or scissors shave your dog leaving a part line just off the corner of its forehead. This puts order on the longer hair on top of the head.
  • Cut the Top: For the hair on top of the head use scissors or a clipper with a longer guard, trim to 2 inches at the most. The highlight of a fade cut is that there is maximum contrast between the long hair and the hair at the back of the neck.
  • Edge and Clean Up: Neat and clean this with a razor, making hairlines around ears, neck, and temples well lined. You might want to use a straight razor, but with caution, but for the edges, a trimmer will do the work.

The Cut That Makes Every Man Jealous

To keep your fade army haircut looking its best:

To maintain a neat appearance, then should be taken for a touch-up every 2 weeks or when the lengthy top part seems messy. Allowing it to grow too long and deplete will destroy the dramatic faded appearance that you want your hair to achieve.

The government recommended that men should use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner as the short hairs grow back again to minimize the itchiness. 

You can use pomades, waxes, or gels for the longer top if desired Pomades, waxes, as well as gels, can be used on the longer top part if one wants. They should not be applied in large amounts because they can cause greasy buildup along the part and hairline.

Check Out: Elvis Army Haircut: A Television Pop Culture Highlight.

Styling Variations

Thus, it appears that the traditional short army crop of leaves looks excellent on its own. But you can also customize it:

Taper Fade vs High Fade

  • A man wearing a taper fade will have long hair on top of the head and the hair close to the ground. This is more subtle.
  • The high fade graduations from the top are faded slimmer and very short at the higher sides of the head and neckline. This has maximum contrast to give it an aggressive look at the same time.

Cropped Top vs Longer Top

  • Anything above 1⁄2 inch above the top needs to be trimmed and has an extremely authoritarian ‘drill sergeant’ feel about it.
  • Up to two inches on top can loosen things up slightly and still retain the military appearance.

Shaved vs Tapered Neckline

  • Barbers can shave the neckline to leave a very clean nape and hairline.
  • A tapered neckline looks better, or to put it ‘naturally.’ You can ask your barber to recommend which of the two works best for you.

Possibilities for the military employees entering the civilian workforce 

fade army haircut

Members of the active military should follow hair policies that are unique to each branch. But most accept some variance of the fade cut:

  • Army: Permits fade, officiously known as “tapered looks”. Up to 2” on top of a ¼” on the tapered back/sides at the least.
  • Navy: Fade cuts were allowed to a certain extent if the shirt sought to retain a business-like look ¼ inch of the graphics on the sides and back of the shirts.  
  • Air Force: Lost the exclusivity of fade guidelines but the overall length guideline where fade collects ranges is between ¼ to 2 inches.
  • Marines: High-and-tight hearing is specifically recommended! One guideline is that graduated haircuts progressively reduce horizontally uniformly from the lower natural hairline to the upper natural hairline of the head, from unshorn to shear.


For those enlistees, who receive their first buzzed haircuts or those veterans who keep to their preferred fade army haircut, the facts are clear: this haircut is here to stay. This traditional short-back-and-sides haircut stands for the transition discipline and togetherness of military duty. Closely connected to the boosting of masculinity, the look is also useful for non-soldier men who desire a new, self-assured image. Have you done enough to warrant that you wear it? Tell your barber that you want to give this classic staple from the military a try.

For more info: Click Here.


What are the required Clipper guard sizes?

Begin with a #1 guard of 3mm in the vertical sides and increase stepwise to a # 2 guard of 6mm in the middle part. To create a transition from one length to another it is important to end the fade smoothly and pass on to the longer top.

What would you tell my barber about this?  

Display pictures and sayings such as, “High and tight military fade,” “Army cut with defined faded sides”, and “very short back and sides with the blended top”.

When will I have to make additional cuts?

You should be expecting to blend it every fortnight to ensure the sides are as short and inconspicuous as possible. Allowing it to go for very long does away with the style that is supposed to be achieved.

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